Soccer Rules & Regulations
- Direct Free Kick – Awarded after a foul, and does not have to touch a teammate before a goal can be scored. Direct Kicks are awarded for fouls such as: tripping, kicking, handball, pushing an opponent or tackling from behind.
- Indirect Free Kick – Awarded after a foul, and requires that the ball be touched by another player before a goal can be scored. Indirect kicks are awarded for fouls such as: a goalkeeper taking more that 3 steps with the ball, offsides, or dangerous play.
- Penalty Kick – Takes place when the defending team commits a Direct Kick Foul inside the 18 yard box. The ball is placed 12 yards in front of the goal – with only 1 goalie defending.
- Corner Kick – Awarded when the defending team kicks or touches the ball beyond the opponents goal line.
- Goal Kick – Awarded when the attacking team kicks or touches the ball beyond the opponents goal line.
- Kick-off – When 1 team kicks the ball to start a game. The ball must make one revolution forward before anyone else can touch it.
Player Positions
- Forwards – Players responsible for scoring goals and moving the ball up the field.
- Mid-fielders – All-purpose players responsible for playing offense AND defense.
- Defenders – Players are responsible for preventing the other team from scoring.
- Goalkeeper – Only player that can use their hands to stop a goal.
What is “Offsides”?
Offsides occurs when a player is closer to their opponent’s goal that the last defender at the time the ball is kicked forward by the player’s teammate. This does not include the goalkeeper. If a player is offsides, the other team will get an Indirect Free Kick.
What is the difference between “Out-of-Bounds” and “A Liner”?
Out-of-bounds occurs when the entire ball travels over the goal line or side line. A liner occurs when a ball only covers the line partially.
The Yellow Card is a warning from an official for misconduct. 2 yellow cards in a game against a player results in a red card.
The Red Card signifies a players ejection from a game. The player is not allowed to play in the following game either.